Guide To Ontario’s Registrant Identification Number (RIN)

The RIN is an identification number created by the Government of Ontario to identify vehicles owned by businesses in its motor vehicle registration system. can help guide you through the process to obtaining a new RIN.

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What You Need to Know About Ontario's RIN


1. What is a RIN?

A RIN (short for Registrant Identification Number) is a unique 9-digit number. It is used by businesses to register a vehicle with the Ontario Ministry of Transportation.

2. Why / When do you need a RIN?

All vehicles in Ontario must be registered in order to be legally allowed on the road. Businesses need vehicles for a variety of reasons. While individuals can go to register a vehicle with their driver’s licence, businesses that want to register a vehicle cannot obtain a driver’s licence because they cannot physically drive a vehicle. As such, the Ontario government created the RIN to identify business-owned vehicle’s in its motor vehicle registration system. This allows vehicles used for work purposes to be registered to a business.

3. How do I obtain a RIN?

A RIN can be obtained by going to your nearest ServiceOntario location with the appropriate documentation (see below for more). To find your nearest location, contact info, and hours, click here. Alternatively, if you are purchasing a vehicle, your car dealership should be able to help you register a new RIN.

4. Does my business need to be incorporated to obtain a RIN?

No. Your business can be a corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship.

5. Do I need multiple RINs if I have multiple vehicles?

No. Once created, a RIN can be re-used to register multiple vehicles belonging to a single business.


How do I Obtain a RIN?

To register a new RIN, follow these 4 easy steps:

1. Prepare documents

Whether you attend at a ServiceOntario or your car dealership, you will want to prepare the following documents for inspection:

  1. Your Articles of Incorporation, Business Name Registration or Master Business Licence.

  2. Two (2) pieces of official mail containing the name and registered address of your corporation or business - i.e. corporate tax filing, utility bill, lease agreement, insurance policy, etc.

  3. A statutory declaration that is notarized before a notary public. The notary public must verify your identity, verify the business documents, and affix a notarial seal to your statutory declaration.


2. Prepare statutory declaration

A statutory declaration containing certain information will need to be prepared and sworn by you to be true.


3. Notarize statutory declaration

Your statutory declaration will need to be notarized by an Ontario notary public. The notary public must verify your identity, verify the business documents, and affix a notarial seal to your statutory declaration.

Do you need help preparing or notarizing your statutory declaration? We can help!


4. Obtain RIN

Gather all of your documents and your notarized statutory declaration and attend at your nearest ServiceOntario or submit them to your car dealership.

Click here to find your nearest ServiceOntario location, hours, and contact information.

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